An Evening with Google

Event Date: 

Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Abstract: Ads-Metrics is the quantitative analysis/data science team that supports Search Ads. We work with the engineering and product teams responsible for driving Google's revenue and business growth. At Google, we make data-driven decisions, and experimentation is at the heart of what we do. This talk will cover the overlapping experiment infrastructure that supports thousands of various types of experiments simultaneously, how to measure the counterfactual effects and long term user effects, and how to combine experiments and observational data to learn a correct credit attribution. In addition, we will also talk about skills needed for a successful DS career in Google.

Bio: Kathy Zhong manages a Search Ads Metrics team at Google that focuses on product areas including Bidding, Ads on Image and Shopping surfaces, Feed Ads, Gmail Ads, and Discovery Campaigns. She drives efforts to design experiments for rigorous measurement, develop metrics for long term quality and revenue trade-off assessment, improve ML models for bidding, and explore opportunities to shape new product growth. Kathy has an M.S. in Statistics and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.

Photo of Kathy Zhong