Webinar: Responsible Use of Spatial Data

Event Date: 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 1:30pm to 3:30pm


Today spatial data is omnipresent in decision making, be it about local policing practices, mitigation of global climate change, or fighting COVID-19. The collection, integration, and AI-based analytics of these data is distributed across hundreds of players with their own technologies and interests and, thus is not transparent to any individual party regardless of whether it is an individual person or a government agency. As the resulting use of potentially personal data is becoming commonplace, it is urgent to internalize shared principles for the responsible use of spatial data to achieve greater common value and better products and at the same time guarantee the safety and privacy of people, our social values, and human dignity. Too often, data ethics is presented as a solution to avoid the unacceptable consequences of data misuse. The objective of this Webinar is to showcase that this conversation is not only necessary out of fear of misuse, but to unlock the full potential of spatial data. Users will contribute their location data only if they trust the collection systems that will be drawing inferences from them. These data may, in fact, improve the well-being and sustainability of our societies.

As part of the GeoEthics summit, and in collaboration with the AAG, the Center for Spatial Studies has organized this Webinar on Responsible Use of Spatial Data, moderated by Krzysztof Janowicz (UCSB Geography).